CPA Marketing - AffYOGI


Mastering CPA Marketing: From Basics to Profitable Campaigns

INR 9700  INR 25000



INR 25000

INR 9700

Sign up now and start mastering CPA Marketing!

Course Outline

Introduction About CPA Marketing:
  • Course Introduction
  • Affiliate Mindset
  • The Emergence of CPA Marketing
  • Definition of CPA Marketing (Cost Per Action)
  • Definition of CPA Network
  • Overview On How to Get Paid to Complete Offers
  • How to Read Offer Details and Conditions

How to increase the rate for affiliate networks approval?

  • Market Research for GEO Selection
  • Evaluating GEO Performance Metrics
  • Identifying Profitable GEOs
  • Case Studies on Successful GEO Targeting
  • Understanding GEO Targeting
  • Tools to Identify Top Performing GEOs
  • Analyzing Competition in Different GEOs
  • Selecting Low Competition Devices for Campaigns
  • Choosing the Best Offers
  • Picking Up Offers and Discovering Them
  • Spy on Your Competitors: Traffic, Country, Niche, Products
  • Spy on Your Competitors: Banner Ads, Landing Pages, Ad Networks, Highest Payout
  • Bonus: Slice Your Competitors & Duplicate the Most Profitable FB Campaigns!
  • Create High Conversion Landing Pages Specially for CPA Offers
  • Attractive Picture and Call to Action into Landing Page
  • Introduction to Tracking Tools
  • How CPA Networks Work
  • How Tracking Tools Work
  • Effective Benefits of Tracking Tools
  • How to Use a Clocker
  • Getting Traffic: The Facebook Ads
  • Create Distinctive Banner Ads to Target the Customers’ Minds and Eye
  • Create perfect ad creatives using AI
  • Create High Conversion Landing Pages Specially for CPA Offers
  • Attractive Picture and Call to Action into Landing Page
  • Create the Campaign and Split Testing Different Facebook Ads
  • Create Facebook Ads and Start Promoting the Offers
  • Setting Up Highest Conversion and Successful Facebook Ads

Have small budget? No worries, learn how to scale up the campaigns even with smaller budgets. 

  • Introduction to Push Ads
  • Creating Effective Push Ad Campaigns
  • Designing Eye-catching Push Notifications
  • Targeting Strategies for Push Ads
  • Measuring and Optimizing Push Ad Performance
  • Overview of Reddit Advertising
  • Setting Up a Reddit Ad Campaign
  • Best Practices for Reddit Ad Creatives
  • Targeting Strategies for Reddit Ads
  • Analyzing and Optimizing Reddit Ad Performance
  • Case studies
  • Tested landing pages
  • Tested ad-creatives
  • Knowledge about tested strategies 
  • Private Facebook group access
  • Personal support

Great Support!

Support is the most important thing, it is more important than course, so I do follow-up with my students on regular basis.

Extra Bonuses

Get eBooks for email marketing, my own landing pages, tested ad-creatives, hidden affiliate networks knowledge, etc.

High Quality Content

All course modules contain everything from A to Z. I have prepared each and every module based on my own experience. So, start your affiliate journey on a smooth road.

Sign up now and start mastering CPA Marketing!

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