Affiliate Marketing Myths and Reality - AffYOGI

Affiliate Marketing Myths and Reality

Getting the first affiliate marketing sale is one of the most amazing things you feel when you just woke up in the morning. This morning is one of the best mornings I have ever encountered in my life. 

I still remember how passionately I was waiting for my first sale. But before getting into affiliate marketing, I understand the affiliate marketing myths and reality. These things work for me and anyone in the world. 

Yes, there are indeed many myths around the globe related to affiliate marketing. But if it works accordingly, then affiliate marketing can become a money-printing machine. 

Eventually, 90% of bloggers start affiliate marketing to generate more income. It is fine, but before getting into you must read the full article to be aware of affiliate marketing myths and reality. 

So, let us start with the common myths you often heard. 

Myths and Reality

Myth 1: Is affiliate marketing is easy to start

Reality: This is one of the biggest myths anyone can imagine. I also thought that affiliate marketing is easy to start that’s why I failed many times. 

Do you know only out of 100 only 3% of people who try affiliate marketing make sales? Wondering, how only 3% of people generate a good amount of money. Soon you will get the answer. So, continue reading. 

Those are starting affiliate marketing they first grab links from Amazon, JVZoo, ClickBank and start publishing links on social media sites and think like they will become Millionaire. 

Sorry to say, through this, you can’t able to achieve it. You have to make marketing strategies for work and should get familiarized with the process. 

Through Affiliate marketing, you are selling someone else product by becoming a mediator between customer and manufacturer. So, you must understand your audience’s needs, so they will start visiting your website and indulge in your products or services you provide. 

Even though you also need to monitor your click rate on an affiliate link and how many sales you generated. Here I am also sharing few points that you should consider before you think affiliate marketing is easy to start. 

  • Before setting an affiliate marketing website, you need to research, plan, and a lot of effort.
  • Choose a niche in which you are passionate.
  • Generate relevant content for your blog which is related to your niche.
  • Figure out your audience circle.
  • Join a genuine and reputable affiliate program to start. 

These are the few points that you must think about before starting affiliate marketing. So, now you might realize that affiliate marketing is not that easy. 

Once you start affiliate marketing, you need to give proper time, efforts, and resources to grow it to the level where you are earning millions. Selling is the main element in the world of marketing, which learned through experiences. 

While starting affiliate marketing, you need to be updated, and you should know your customer base then choose the product wisely.  

Point to Consider: Considering affiliate marketing as money-making machine initially, then soon you will face failure. Affiliate marketing business also requires time and effort. 

Myth 2: Can anyone choose affiliate marketing as a career?

Reality: Its only depends upon you. Affiliate marketing can be a full-time career for those who willing to invest time and energy. 

Some affiliate marketers choose affiliate marketing as a full-time career and will succeed in building a profession. Whereas some use affiliate marketing as a side income which piles up with their income. You might hear many stories of people who start affiliate marketing as side work but end up more successful and chosen it as a career. 

Choosing affiliate marketing as a career is depends upon you and your desires. If you are willing to spend time and energy building your affiliate business, then the fruitful results are in your hands. 

Point to Consider: Choosing a career in which you have a bright future is one of the best decisions. It requires patience, continuous practice, dedication, inspiration to make it work for you. Lot many people have taken affiliate marketing as a full-time career and now living their dream life.  

Myth 3: Is affiliate marketing is a get rich quick scheme

Reality: Is Rich Quick Scheme works longer and give you legal value? Find it yourself by digging into your values. 

In affiliate marketing, this is one of the biggest myths I have ever encountered. Most people consider affiliate marketing as a get-rich-quick scheme and even an overnight success. 

Through affiliate marketing, you can earn money. But for earning the full-time income, you could at least invest years. You have to listen to the success stories of top affiliates that are generating millions of dollars every year. They have mastered copywriting skills, website development skills, team-building skills, and many other skills required to build a legitimate affiliate marketing business.

It is not a get-rich-quick scheme because you need to research the profitable niche, trustable product, create content, and build an engaging website. With all efforts, then make strategies for generating traffic to your affiliate link. After that, you think of getting sales and then finally commissions to your bank account. 

So, now what you think is affiliate marketing is a get-rich-quick scheme.

Point to Consider: Online earning requires building trust with the audience, and this process will take time. Affiliate Marketing will give fruitful results when you spend time initially. 

Myth 4: Do I need to invest some amount before starting affiliate marketing?

Reality: No, you do not need to invest some amount before starting affiliate marketing. You have to spend your quality time on affiliate marketing. 

The great thing about affiliate marketing is you do not need to invest money. You only need a computer, a good internet connection, and motivation for work. That is all you need to start affiliate marketing. 

Eventually, affiliate marketing is a skill practice where you learn many skills. With time and regular practice, you will learn about the tactics to generate traffic to your affiliate link and then commit to your bank account. Even you find many YouTube channels that help you with your first commission without spending any amount initially.  

It said that “Learning is a consistent key to reach a height in your work or life”. So, be ready to spend a lot of time rather than spending a lot of money on affiliate marketing to start. 

Point to Consider: At starting an affiliate business need an investment of your time and dedication, not the penny. You will get a good boom without investing a penny into it. 

Myth 5: Need for Blog or Website

Reality: What you think is easy, getting traffic from your website and getting traffic from free sources for affiliate links?

So, for affiliate marketing, it is not necessary to need any blog or website. It is a total myth that to start an affiliate marketing business, you need to establish your website or blog to get affiliate links and commissions.

If you have a blog or website, it is fine as you already have a targeted audience. As, it makes your path easier. But do not ever get confused that you need a blog or website to start affiliate marketing. 

Most people follow the path where they first create a blog or website. Then they provide value and generate an audience to showcase their products and services. This path also works but, it will consume a lot of valuable time of yours. Even in this, you need to invest thousands of dollars in your website by purchasing themes, plugins, and colors. After that, you wait for traffic, sales, and clients. 

These are the things you need to do while having a website or blog. And what if you do not need a blog or website to get started. 

First, get clear about these things before starting affiliate marketing. 

  • What type of business you want to get in? 
  • Are you able to maintain consistency?
  • Getting yourself in front of your target audiences

Now, you are wondering how you can get a targeted audience without creating a blog or website. 

There are many social media platforms where you are super active such as Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, Twitter. Use these platforms to generate a consistent audience base. You can share tips on your feedback or what you learned. Through this, you will get more contacts as you help others with valuable content and solve problems.

If you give consistent value, then people are more awaited for your information or content. Through this, you can build an email list by collecting emails. You can create a professional page and send people on those pages to collect the emails. 

Through this process, you do not own any blog or website. But still, you are generating traffic to the affiliate links and getting commissions in your bank accounts. 

I hope now you are very much clear about affiliate marketing myths and reality. So, let us get into some more affiliate marketing myths. 

Point to Consider: Provide solutions to problems while being active on social media sites and then build a strong email list. With this, you form a solid customer base who wants the solution for their problems.  

Myth 6: You can make a lot of money without learning in Affiliate Marketing

Reality: What you think without learning, you can earn money? Before clearing this myth, I must share one quote by Peter Drucker says, “Learning is a Lifelong Process”. 

Yes, this quote said it right. Without learning, you are not able to earn your dream income. Learning is not just studying things, learning is getting more experiences in that field which makes you wiser. 

I read books and listen to informative videos from YouTube to gather more knowledge of Affiliate marketing. I have attended many online workshops on how to increase affiliate sales and how to choose the right product in affiliate marketing. 

With time I become more knowledgeable in affiliate marketing, and gradually I increased my sales. I have encountered that you must learn some things before doing enough in affiliate marketing. Those are:

  • Understand what kind of affiliate program will be profitable for you. 
  • Learn how to promote products by avoiding spamming
  • Build a strong relationship with customers. 
  • Do market research properly and effectively to get visitors to affiliate links. 
  • Understand the problem and can you solve their problem. 
  • Learn how to find new products to promote and affiliate links for that products. 

There are many other things that you should learn. As you started your affiliate marketing journey, you will learn many things gradually. 

Point to Consider: Investing in yourself is one the best investment you ever made. So, start investing in yourself. Otherwise, you cannot succeed if you do not know the basics. 

Myth 7: More website traffic, the more money you make

Reality: The more traffic, the more money you generate. It does not work this way. If you are getting targeted traffic on your website, then you can generate sales. What if you have millions of traffic on your website, and they are not even clicking at your link. 

So, if you have a loyal customer base of around 1000 people, then the chances of earning a million are much possible. People mostly think if they generate more traffic to the website, they will make more sales. 

But that is not beneficial in every parameter. If you are diverting millions of traffic to your link but did not get any conversions then, what is the profit? You are just working hard but in the wrong direction. 

To generate traffic and conversion from your website, you need to be more channelized and accurate about your product and audience. For getting the right product for your targeted audience, you need to spend lots of time on research and analysis. 

Once you get channelized with audience problems, then you start earning money even when your website is getting few visits. In affiliate marketing, keep this thing in mind that you need to target several quality visitors rather than targeting numbers of uninterested visitors. 

Point to Consider: The success in the affiliate marketing business is often measured by the number of conversions you get rather than the number of traffic you received. That is how you can able to create recurring business revenue for your business.  

While building an Affiliate marketing business, you need to build trust, relationships and you must have the ability to sell things through your content. Then you can make tons of sales and generate a huge amount of commissions. 

The beauty of an affiliate marketing business is that you can make money even when you are sleeping. You need to create a system that works for you. Boom, you are getting Millions of dollars of transactions in your bank account. 

I hope you will get many answers related to affiliate marketing myths and realities. This article will help you in your affiliate marketing journey and make you reach your goals even faster. 

Good Luck! 

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